Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Since cutting off my cable, coming upon my 27th birthday, and watching the 20th anniversary of Oprah’s show (I have it on DVD……LOL), I came across a segment that featured “Gratitude” and how she started a gratitude journal. These pass couple of months (well actually this pass year) a lot of things has happen to me and I see myself changing in ways I never imagined. I have always been the type of person who looked at the negative instead of the positive. Things are happening to people around me that I need to be more thankful for the life I have.

So for those reasons on Sunday I started a “gratitude journal”. EVERYDAY (well at least I am going to try to do it everyday) I plan to write FIVE THINGS I am grateful for. (Not on the blog of course, I want this to be very personal and use this to build up my spirituality)

That's all folks........


~ Hermelynda ~
Walking with Wisdom Leading My Steps

Did they refer to DVD "The Secret"...which embarks on how important gratitude is? I bought their gratitude journal and everyday made an effort to write it as well...thanks for the reminder, I think it's time for me to build that habit again.

quarter-life-crisis said...

They did not refer to the Secret at this particular time. She did the show on "The Secret" after her 20th annv. DVD.

Its been 2 weeks since I started the gratitude journal, and surprisingly it has been hard to think of 5 thankful/positive things a day. I maybe doing a post about this in the near future. Nevertheless I do not regret doing it at all.