Monday, July 14, 2008

I did it!!! The start of an empire!


I am so excited! YEA!!! The website is up, put up some flyer's, UPS mailing address, business cards, and more advertising material will be available to me by the end of the week. However most importantly, it is more than likely that I will have a client by Monday of next week!! Cannot wait to get this started. Have some networking events lined up and everything. I know that it is going to take some time to build it up, but I feel that it can become a great side hustle.

Wish me luck!


Stew said...

congrats!! this has to be a big day for you. hope all goes well.

OG, The Original Glamazon said...

Ccongrats and my God's blessings flow all over this!

Very proud of you!! Do it Big!


quarter-life-crisis said...

Thanks you guys!